

Nitlix Content &
Identifiation Statement

Last updated on 1st of August 2022 by Nitlix.

1. Reference

1.1. Direction Subject to NCIS (otherwise known as Terms of Servise and Privacy Policy) (this "Agreement"), Nitlix S.T. ("Nitlix", "Nitlixis", "we", "me", "I", "us" and/or "our") provides access for the usage of services (collectively, the "Services") published under Nitlix's Copyright. By using or accessing the Services, you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to be bound by this Agreement.

1.2 Obligation If you are entering into this Agreement on behalf of a company, business or other legal entity, you represent that you have the authority to bind such entity to this Agreement, in which case the term "you" shall refer to such entity. If you do not have such authority, or if you do not agree with this Agreement, you must not accept this Agreement and may not use the Services.

2. Identity

2.1. Self-identification Nitlix is an unregistered (via sole-trader ogranisation based in the UK. The legal entity is not registered as it does not meet the vital registry requirements provided by the UK Law.

2.2. Status

3. Your Data

3.1. What is collected When creating an account or using Nitlix's services, the data of your browser and activities is clearly recorded. The data collected does not include your way of thinking, obsessions or any other secretive tracker data on the internet. The only data collected is your actions on our services which update certain values in our database and the information about your browser user-agent or your electron request headers (From installed Nitlix/Third-party applications). You agree that Nitlix will be able to use all of that data for your security and applications.

3.2. Where the data is stored The data collected from you (Mentioned in 3.1) is stored inside the Nitlix Database on private servers. The servers can only be accessed through our API domain endpoint ( and many of Nitlix applications use this endpoint for service requests. Your and others' data on the server is securely encrypted and not accessed by the server runners. Keep in mind that in account recovery and other emergency situations regarding your account, your data may be used to restore different kinds of information.

3.3. Accessing the data All of your data (Including application data and your password) can be directly downloaded. It is currently possible by using the "Download your data" button in your account "Account" settings page. The data will be served to you in a .JSON format.